“A poet dares be just so clear and no clearer... He unzips the veil from beauty, but does not remove it. A poet utterly clear is a trifle glaring.”
— E. B. White, from One Man's Meat.

Crossing the Bridge

Multilingual Poetry Translation

Crossing the Bridge – Translation Competition Results


The Antonym and Bhasha Samsad jointly organized the poetry translation competition for translating poems from different South Asian languages into English and Bengali. Following poets from different languages gave us their poems for the translation competition:

Assamese – Sameer Tanti

Bengali – Mohammad Nurul Huda

Bengali – Ranajit Das

Gujarati – Kamal Vora

Hindi – Anamika

Kashmiri – Naseem Shafaie

Malayalam – K Satchidanandan

Marathi – Santosh Pawar

Odia – Saroj Bal

Tamil – Sukirtharani

Urdu – Munwwar Rana

We received tremendous response from the translators for most of the languages. For translation into Bengali from few source languages, we did not receive any responses. As such, no award could be given for those.

Under the stewardship of Sri Nirmal Kanti Bhattacharjee, eminent translator, editor and cultural administrator, a select jury from each of the source languages looked at each of the submitted translations carefully and arrived at the following final result:

Source Language





Sameer Tanti

Harsita Hiya

Malay Sarkar






Nurul Huda

Indrani Tuli



Ranajit Das

Padmakali Kar



Kamal Vora

Pratishtha Pandya




Pallavi Singh

Sriparna Bandyopadhyay


Naseem Shafaiye

Mohammad Zahid



K Satchidananda

Azir Kutty K.M.



Santosh Pawar

Santosh Rathod

Arghya Dutta


Saroj Bal


Kausik Banerjee



Deepalakshmi Joseph



Munawwar Rana

Tapan Kumar Pradhan

Faiz Ahmed


We congratulate all the translators winning the Jibanananda Das Awards and Sonali Ghoshal Awards for respective languages.

We will also like to take this opportunity to thank all the translators who submitted for the competition. We look forward to work with you in furthering the cause of translation.

For any queries, please reach out to us at kolkatapoetryconfluence@gmail.com



Crossing the Bridge – Where Languages Meet, is a multilingual poetry experience focused on translation of poetry from various Indian languages into English and Bengali. Poets from ten Indian languages will be attending the event to read their poems. Translation of their poems will be performed as well

Calcutta Karavan will string the sessions of Crossing the Bridge in  their unique way with  tales , verses and anecdotes of different regions of India . The diverse cultural flavors aspire  to  search a single cohesive dream , named “ Kavita “ . From Epic to grassroots, from stars in the sky to crops in field  there is one binding force or hidden love ,  that is poetry.

Calcutta Karavan will present the poets of different regions through their unique multilingual session where poets will recite poems in their own languages 

The poems translated into Bengali and English will be performed by Aparna Sen, Kalyan Ray, Anindya Chatterjee and Sudeshna Roy. 

aparna sen
WhatsApp Image 2022-04-17 at 9.05.53 PM
WhatsApp Image 2022-04-18 at 11.03.29 AM

Aparna Sen

Actor & Director

Kalyan Ray

Author & Actor

Anindya Chatterjee

Singer, Compose & Director

Sudeshna Roy


We have chosen 10 Indian languages and one renowned poet from each language. Every poet has provided five of their poems which are up for translation competition – Jibanananda Award for translation into English awarded by The Antonym and Sonali Ghoshal Award for translation into Bengali awarded by Bhasha Samsad. ( 17th February – 31st May, 2022)

Politics of Translation

Translation communicates an extended understanding of varied cultures, which one is not born into. The past few decades have seen a substantial rise in the discourse and practice of Translation, as lingual horizons shrink in a digitally connected world. At the same time, it is getting increasingly complex, as texts are no longer limited to a single language, dialect, or sociolect. This panel will look at the complexity of Translation and consider it as a tool to erase boundaries that has for centuries silenced, stereotyped and marginalized certain languages, cultures and traditions by marking them inferior, overwriting their narratives, politicizing their subject position. 


Translation Workshop

June 11 collaborative Poetry Translation

June 12  Translation of lyrical Prose 

Workshop Leads

nirmal kanti bhattacharjee__60093.original

A J Thomas

Poet, Translator & Editor

Nirmal Bhattacharjee

Editor & Translator

Facilitated by Bishnupriya Chowdhury

Editor, The Antonym Magazine 

Translation workshop at Kolkata Poetry Confluence 2022



The art and the toil that defines the process of literary translation is generally fraught with a gamut of fundamental questions. Translator carves a way between the source and the target text by finding justified resolves to them. While most of these inquiries have been discussed since long, those who are in the trade, know that they never lose relevance or weight. With each text in need for translation, one has to evaluate matters anew, each time. During the two day workshop at Kolkata Poetry Confluence, we wish to focus on two areas of translation-work: collaborative translation and the challenges and conflicts of Lyrical prose translation.

Workshop Coordinator: 

  • Nirmal Kanti Bhattacharjee, Editor, Translator, Author
  • J. Thomas, Journalist, Editor, Translator.

Registration fee: 2500/-

Last day to register: 31st May


Day 1: Collaborative Poetry (12 people),

Day 2: Lyrical Prose (20 People)

Reward/ Acknowledgements: Certificate of participation, Workshop anthology

Contact: theantonymmag@gmail.com

Day 1: Collaborative Translation of Poetry

Date: June11,2022

In India, a land where every hundred kilometers bring about a new language or a dialect, translation becomes a major if not the most crucial tool for its people to learn each other deeply.  We wish to add to the mammoth project of Indian interlinguistic translation via collaboration.

The workshop will kick off with an introductory lecture/ free-form discussion between the poets, language experts, coordinators and participants on translations of poems.

Later, the participants are divided into multiple ( we plan for about 4 to 5) teams. Each team will focus on one National language and shall include the poet,  English translator/ Link language mediator, participant translators from Bengali. ( For this session, poems will be translated into Bangla from four other regional languages).

We will have,  

Naseem Shafaie (Poet. Language: Kashmiri)

Kamal Vora (Poet. Language: Gujarati)

Sukirtha Rani (Poet. Language Tamil)

 Santosh Pawar (Poet, Language: Marathi)

A thorough discussion on the text with the Poet, session mentor(s), language experts/ mediators will take place. The participating translators are asked to work on their pieces separately and are invited for the virtual reading conference.

Day 2: Translation of Lyrical Prose

Date: June 12,2022

The second day of the workshop handles lyrical prose. While it is often maintained that one needs to be a poet to be able to translate a poem, we plan to understand, what does it take to translate a text occupying  a middle ground—like a prose which has the soul of a poetry, or a highly lyrical persona.

For this session, the language flow will be from Hindi and Bangla to English. Participants will be given the prose excerpts ahead of time when they register for the workshop.

We will attempt translations of selected works of Nirmal Verma (Language: Hindi)

 Parimal Bhattacharjee ( Language: Bengali)

** Participants are given selected excerpts to translate when they register for the Workshop and are requested to mail the drafts with the coordinators ahead of time and bring them at the session to be workshopped.

The session will open with a lecture/discussion on the scope and challenges of the task in hand  followed by an open conversation on the drafts with source and link language experts including Anamika ( Acclaimed poet and writer of Hindi)

And Parimal Bhattacharya ( Bilingual writer, translator and Professor of English)

Part 2 (Virtual, Post confluence)

Date: June 18, 2022

Collaborative translation

All participants after a week from the workshop, convene for a virtual reading session of their final drafts. Translated poems along with the originals will be read (even if partially) discussed. Participants also submit their pieces for final selection for the workshop chapbook.

Date: June 19,2022

Lyrical Prose

Readings  and discussions on the workshopped pieces and experience sharing.

Part 3: Chapbook launch (Virtual)

Day: July 23, 2022

Final session for the launch of the workshop anthology.


Pre registration and pre work required. Limited seats, if interested please contact theantonymmag@gmail.com 

Pre-registration Link is: https://forms.gle/FdqA5ZJRs8hZQ3pK6